Hyper Text Markup Language

Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML was specially designed to provide a standard format for creating, sending and displaying information in the form of pages on the internet hence the term formatting language.

To access and display HTML documents, you must use a communication standard hyper text protocol as the communication protocol for finding and HTML documents over the web.
URL Uniform Resource Locator
URL is a standard that allows you to enter the name and location of information as well as the method for transporting that information over the internet. Ex:- http.//www.IBM.com

Links and other navigational aids
As you scroll through a web page, you will probably see some links that has underlined or in a different this represents a link to the HTML document or an external link to another URL.

What is a web browser?
A browser is a computer program that resides on your computer enabling you to use the computer to view WWW documents and access the internet taking advantage of text formatting, hypertext links, images, sounds, motion and other features. Internet explorer and Netscape are currently the leading graphical browser in the world.